PROVO-An ordinance passed last night at the Provo city council meeting will temporarily prohibit any new plans for construction near the missionary training center and surrounding neighborhoods, but doesn't affect the LDS church's plans for a new building. Pleasant view homeowners are torn about the future construction plans.
'It just shows the work of the Lord is moving forward,' said Jason Christansen a Provo resident.
On the other side, some pleasant view homeowners are against the construction of the nine story building.
'Someone is trying to build a dynasty. It is totally unreasonable; we are not happy about it,' said James Harris.
Church officials say both the quorum of the twelve and first presidency invite everyone to support the construction.
The Harris family has lived in the area for decades and is hopeful they can preserve their view of the temple and mountains.
'It’s not going to affect our testimony but we will fight to the death on this,' said Delores Harris, long time member of the pleasant view neighborhood.
Concerned homeowners expressed their frustration with the church getting its variance in their community, Delores says, 'It is not an ecclesiastical issue. It’s a land issue.'
At the council meeting, active members of the community spoke up on their opinion about the addition of new buildings.
'I think I can speak for myself and my neighbors in saying I am not comfortable with the church dictating the language of the ordinance,' said Maureen Jasternsky.
City officials are prohibiting all other future construction projects more than 5 stories high for 6 months except for the MTC building. The Harris family and other likeminded pleasant view homeowners say they'll continue to fight for their rights.