The following is a list of five ways to make BYU a memorable and personalized experience.
1. Take advantage of the unique opportunities BYU has to offer
Nearly 70 percent of BYU students speak a foreign language. Learn from some of the best language professors in the nation. BYU offers more than 55 language classes each semester, one of them is bound to to be the right fit for you.
'One thing I have really appreciated at BYU is that everyone comes from different backgrounds,' said Alanna Norman, a transfer student from Rancho Cordova, Calif. 'Being able to take advantage of getting to know all of the different people here has really broadened my perspective on life and has helped me grow as a person.'
2. Embrace the gospel-centered learning environment
BYU is one of few fully-accredited private universities that not only values the educational well-being of its students, but also focuses on the spiritual aspects as well. Roberta Hadlock, a senior from Vernal majoring in psychology, feels BYU has given her an education unlike any other in the world.
'One thing I have really enjoyed is that BYU is a religious school,' Hadlock said. 'So a lot of my education is based on a religious view of the world, and I wouldn't have been able to get that anywhere else.'
3. Get involved
As you become more acquainted with the campus, you will start to notice there is always something going on. BYU offers a variety of clubs and service organizations to get students involved within the campus and throughout the community. Marcus Griffith, a senior and public health major from Portland, Ore., said clubs at BYU are what helped him get through school.
'Just doing ballroom dance has saved me,' Griffith said. 'I actually came close to dropping out a few times because the pressures from school stressed me out. Just having something extra to do, and the support system of the friends on the team helped a lot. It was definitely a stress relief for me.'
4. Participate in Sports
BYU has many nationally ranked sports teams which provide a great time for students to get together and socialize, as well as support their peers. If you would rather play than watch, BYU offers one of the largest intramural sport programs in America.
'With my class schedule being so busy, intramural sports are what keep me sane,' said Laren Helms, a senior from Manassa, Colo. 'Although we missed the sign up for intramural's as freshman we would still go play dodgeball every Wednesday night at Kiwanis Park. I love the competition, we get super into it.'
5. Build lasting relationships
BYU is a melting pot of different cultures, people and attitudes. Many are surprised at the relationships they have formed and the people who have become lifelong friends.
'What makes BYU so memorable for me is getting to meet new people and make new friends,' said Levi Anderson, a senior from Vale, Ore., majoring in geography. 'The friends I have now have become better friends than the people I grew up with in high school, and I never thought that would happen. Yes, school is important and grades are important. Beyond those things, people are most important.'
Take advantage of the many opportunities BYU has to offer, get involved and create an atmosphere which will make BYU not only your university but your home.