Being new to campus can be tough if you aren’t familiar with where places are located and BYU lingo, especially when you are from out of state.
“The use of BYU lingo is like being in a secret club,” said Ruthann Grawe, a public health graduate from Lehi. “Really to me the buildings are the most important. Freshmen should memorize all of the acronyms for the buildings as soon as possible and know the correct pronunciations. You’re only a freshman once, don’t be embarrassed about it.”
Here is a list of lingo that may assist you to more easily engage in conversations with BYU upperclassmen.
Audit Enrolling in a course class to learn, but not to receive credit
ID number The 9-digit number on the bottom left-hand corner of a student’s BYU ID card
Devo/Devotional Talks given by LDS church leadership and BYU faculty. Interspersed with Forum addresses throughout the year. Held on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. No classes are scheduled during this time.
DTR Define The Relationship. A term used when couples determine if they should date exclusively or become more serious.
EC Eternal companion. “I want to find my EC before I graduate.”Fieldhouse George Albert Smith Fieldhouse (SFH). The building hosts intercollegiate volleyball games and intramural basketball games. Students can also access the indoor track and weight training facilities in this building
Forum Speeches given by guest speakers. Held on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. instead of Devotionals on select weeks. No classes are scheduled during this time.
GE General Education. Courses required of all students in addition to major requirements. “I’m still trying to finish up my GEs.”
JSB Joseph Smith Building
Kennedy Center Herald R. Clark Building (HRCB)
Learning Suite Online resource to access class information, grades and syllabi
MAP Major Academic Plan, commonly known as “major maps,” contain a list of required courses for specific majors, suggested schedules of when to complete courses and information about the field of interest
MARB Pronounced marb, Thomas L. Martin Building
Marriott Marriott Center. A multipurpose arena where BYU basketball games, Devotionals, Forums and other events are hosted
MOA Pronounced moa, BYU’s Museum of Art which features an intimate cafe on the second floor called the MOA cafe.
MyMAP Website where students plan and register for their classes
Net ID The login username students use to access MyBYU and other BYU sites
One Stop Website where students access BYU’s online services
Preemie A guy who has not yet gone on a mission
RB Known as the Richards Building or the Stephen L. Richards Building. Gymnasiums, swimming pools, athletic courts and dance studios are located in this building.
Reading days Preparation days before final exams. No classes are scheduled on these days
RM Returned Missionary
MyBYU BYU secure website to access common links
SWKT Pronounced swicket. The Spencer W. Kimball Tower. International Cinema movies are shown in 250 SWKT.
Talmage Talmage Math/Science Computer Building (TMCB)
Tanner N. Eldon Tanner Building (TNRB), home of the Marriott School of Management
Testing Center The Heber J. Grant Building is where many tests are administered.
Wilk Wilkinson Student Center. When written, use the acronym WSC.