Free community health classes available - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Free community health classes available

Those looking for a convenient way to get healthier this summer need look no further than the free classes being offered by the Utah County Health Department.

Classes are held Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. until July 17 at the Health and Justice Building at 151 S University Avenue in Provo. The classes are open to the public and held in room 2500. Class topics range from weight loss and eating healthy on a budget, to making physical activity a part of everyday lifestyle.

'We hope to spark interest in being active ... and bring the community together and to try to get a little healthier,' said Kari Matheson, a health educator for the department. 'Especially during these summer months where it's easy to get out and be active.'

As stated in a news release, the classes are part of an ongoing effort by the UCHD to promote the health of the community, prevent avoidable disease and injury by monitoring the health of the community and assure conditions in which people can be healthy.

Melissa Jett recently graduated from the dietetics program at BYU and volunteered to teach the first class. She said she felt like it was a fulfilling opportunity to be involved and share what she knew with the community.

'I felt like I got to teach people some new things ... that I had learned in my classes,' said Jett.

Jesse Walker is another intern heavily involved in the planning and teaching of the classes. He will be teaching several himself, including one on June 19 titled 'Eating Healthy on a Budget.'

'The information (provided) is really good, and a lot of people should know about it,' Walker said. He said more people should come and take the opportunity to learn these tips for free.

Various interns from graduate programs at BYU, including dietetics and other health-related fields, will direct the majority of the classes throughout this month and next.

'It's a great opportunity for them to actually get out in the community to teach and try to help out,' Matheson said of the interns and volunteers providing the free instruction.

Reservations to attend the classes are encouraged but not required. For more information contact Kari at 801-851-7098 or

Classes coming up:

June 19: Eating Healthy on a Budget

June 26: Top Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping it off

July 10: Making Healthy Eating Part of Your Total Lifestyle

July 17: Physical Activity is the Key to Living Well