NewsNet, the online version of The Daily Universe, will be providing a link for all those wishing to view the 175th Semi-Annual General Conference sessions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which will be broadcast April 2 and 3.
?We are excited to be able to bring this service to students and friends of BYU,? Jonathan Bacon, NewsNet Web editor, said. ?We hope that our services will enable people to participate in General Conference.'
Viewers will be able to link to the Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon sessions, which will be broadcast in more than 50 languages, through the provided link.
Robb Hicken, NewsNet managing director said members and nonmembers alike, should not miss the opportunity to hear from the prophet and apostles because the guidance and counsel given there will touch the lives of all who listen.
?General Conference is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise polluted world,? said Holly Hunt, associate NewsNet Web editor. ?I feel more empowered and spiritually uplifted after listening to the prophet and apostles.?
Also, for those unable to attend this weekend?s annual women?s conference they can read about the topics discussed in follow-up articles that will be posted at NewsNet online after the conference.