This weekend demonstrates a worldwide effort for religions to come together and share in each other's values and beliefs. The Parliament of World Religions convenes in Salt Lake City this weekend.
According to the event's website
The Deseret News
Not only is this an event that has huge importance to world religions, it also holds a special importance in recognizing the growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Religion News Service
The conference is seen as an opportunity for interfaith communication and a spirit of working together to help the world.
The Huffington Post
The Parliment of the World's Religions have released multiple videos to discuss their work.
More Universe coverage of the Parliament of the World's Religions:
An introduction to the Parliament of World’s Religions conference
Parliament of World’s Religions opens in Salt Lake City with first-ever Women’s Assembly
Parliament of World’s Religions: Mending young hearts, healing the legacy of trauma
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Opening ceremony celebrates people of all faiths
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Magic demonstrates the golden rule
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Flash mob energizes conference crowd
Parliament of the World’s Religions: BYU faculty weigh in on contraceptive mandate debate
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Powerful women can and do change the world
Parliament of the World’s Religions: How religious identity is used and abused
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Interfaith dialogue and derailing mass murder
Parliament of the World’s Religions: “Compassion Games” transform competition
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Faith groups urged to help eradicate poverty
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Muslim scholars examine ISIS, urge interfaith action
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Clarifying misperceptions about Islam to defeat ISIS
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Heroism embodied in Mandela, King
Parliament of the World’s Religions brings faces from diverse religions
Speeches, performances, and discussion filled the Parliament the World’s Religions