Elder Von G. Keetch of the Quorum of the Seventy began his remarks during the Sunday afternoon session of the October 2015 General Conference by sharing a story of an experience he had while visiting a beach in Australia.

Elder Von G. Keetch spoke in the Sunday afternoon session of the church's 185th semiannual General Conference. (Mormon Newsroom)
He told of a group of American surfers who were complaining that they could not access the large waves on the outside of a barrier placed just before the surf break.
As those surfers complained, an older local surfer approached them and handed them a pair of binoculars, gesturing for them to look out to the large waves.
When it was Elder Keetch's turn to look into the binoculars, he noticed something that he could not see with the naked eye — the dorsal fins of large sharks outside the barrier.
Elder Keetch related the barrier to the standards and commandments of God. He explained that on first appearance these commandment might be restrictive, but they are there to protect from the hidden dangers below.
'He who comprehends all things knows exactly where those dangers lie. He gives us divine direction, through his commands and loving guidance, so that we may avoid the dangers.'
By obeying the standards and commandments that have been set by the Lord, the members of the church show their faith and love for the Savior.
Elder Keetch used the example of Ananias from the Old Testament as obedience to the Lord's commandments and helping him bring to pass his purposes.
'As we trust in the Lord, exercise our faith, obey his commandments, and follow the course he has charted for us, we become more the person the Lord wants us to become,' Elder Keetch said.
He then went onto explain that the Lord's commandments are not given to confuse or torture his children, but rather to provide a safe passage from evil and guide us back to the Lord.
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Slideshow: General Conference Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015
Women’s general session:
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Now is a part of eternity
Sister Carol F. McConkie: The Lord’s agents
Sister Linda S. Reeves: Rewards will come
Sister Rosemary M. Wixom: Divine nature within you
Saturday morning session:
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: It works!
Elder M. Russell Ballard: God is at the helm
Elder Richard J. Maynes: The joy of living a Christ-centered life
Sister Neill F. Marriott: Yielding our hearts to God
Elder Francisco J. Vinas: The pleasing word of God
Saturday afternoon session:
Elder Dallin H. Oaks: Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Bradley D. Foster: It’s never too early and it’s never too late
Elder Robert D. Hales: Meeting the challenges of today’s world
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: Behold thy mother
Priesthood session:
Sunday morning session:
President Thomas S. Monson: Be an example and a light
Elder Ronald A. Rasband: Love one another
Elder Gary E. Stevenson: Fulness of times
Elder Dale G. Renlund: Through God’s eyes
President Russell M. Nelson: A plea to my sisters
Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer: Let the clarion trumpet sound
Elder Claudio R.M. Costa: That they do always remember him
Sunday afternoon session:
President Henry B. Eyring: The Holy Ghost as your companion
Elder D. Todd Christofferson: Why the church
Elder Von G. Keetch: Blessed and happy are those who keep the commandments of God
Sister Carole M. Stephens: If ye love me, keep my commandments
Elder Allen D. Haynie: Remembering in whom we have trusted
Elder Kim B. Clark: Eyes to see and ears to hear
Brother Devin G. Durrant: My heart pondereth them continually
Elder Koichi Aoyagi: Hold on thy way
Elder David A. Bednar: Chosen to bear testimony of my name
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