A student was feeling cold and weak at the Joseph F. Smith Building. An officer offered a ride to the patient and their roommate to Helaman Halls.
A student was having an allergic reaction in the Harold B. Lee Library. He was administered a dose of epinephrine and was given a ride to his residence.
A tenant was feeling unwell at Wymount Terrace. They were assessed and released.
Found property
A debit card was found at the Martin Building. It was returned to its owner.
Citizen contact
A note was found in the Wilkinson Student Center bathroom regarding pros and cons of suicide. There was no identifying information on the note. Investigators will follow up on the case.
A student lost his cellphone at West Campus. He later found it.
Property damage
A gust of wind caused the back gate of a BYU box truck to hit a parked car in Lot 46. There was minor damage to the car’s side door.
A group of students were throwing snowballs near Heritage 15 at 1:30 a.m. and making a lot of noise. The group was asked to either quiet down or move to a different area, further from housing.