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Police Beat

Police Beat: Jan. 8-14


Welfare check
Officers conducted a welfare check at the West View Building on a person who was hysterical on the phone. The individual had been having a disagreement with their significant other via phone call. Officers provided the subject with information for resources that are available on campus.

A subject was upset and causing a disturbance at the Music Building. An officer arrived and could not find the subject. It was discovered that the subject was upset because there was a hold on his account.

A caller reported a male under a tree in front of Helaman Halls who had expressed a desire to harm himself. Officers located the male and connected him with Counseling and Psychological Services.

A student crashed on his skateboard and had a possible concussion. Provo Fire responded, evaluated him and then determined that he should be transported to the hospital.

A student was having a possible medical issue in the Joseph Smith Building. BYU EMS evaluated the patient.

An adult female at Wyview Park was experiencing chest pain. Before medical personnel could conduct a thorough assessment, the patient chose to be driven to the hospital by her husband.

A student passed out at Heritage Halls. The student was briefly evaluated and was taken back to her apartments by her friends.

A student reported two bikes were stolen from the Life Science Building parking area. They have been entered as missing in the local system.

A video card was stolen from the computer lab in the Eyring Science Center.

An electric scooter was reported to be stolen from the bicycle rack near building number three at Heritage Halls.

Found property
An Arizona driver’s license was found on the sidewalk and was turned into the police. The officer made every effort to find the person but could not find any contact information. The license was left at the Lost and Found in the Wilkinson Student Center.

The fire alarm was triggered by steam in the Culinary Support Center. The area was cleared and employees were allowed to re-enter the building.

The fire alarm was triggered at Wymount Terrace from cooking smoke. There were no flames and there was no damage to the apartment.

Traffic offense
A motorist reported accidentally hitting a pedestrian in the crosswalk. The motorist attempted to talk to the individual, but they just walked away.

A complainant reported a hit-and-run accident. The surveillance footage showed a Dodge Ram pickup truck striking the complainant’s vehicle before fleeing the scene. The driver of the Dodge Ram agreed to come in for an interview.

A female student reported unwanted interactions with a male whom she met in Sept. 2023. Despite setting boundaries, the individual continued to contact her, even after she learned he was a husband and father. He has approached her at the gym, her place of work and at the Harold B. Lee Library. She asked law enforcement to document the incidents but not to take further action.