A held door alarm was triggered at the Student Athlete Building. The door was being held open by air pressure.
A held door alarm was triggered at Heritage Halls. An officer removed the door stop and closed the door.
The fire alarm was triggered at Wymount Terrace. The tenant explained that they left a pan with oil on the stove, which resulted in it getting too hot and smoking.
The robbery alarm was triggered at the Creamery on Ninth. An employee said that they triggered it by accident.
A complainant was suspicious of the legitimacy of an insurance company that she had an appointment with at her home. She was advised that the company appeared to be legitimate and they can be trespassed from her residence if necessary.
A woman reported seeing a white male, dressed in all black, looking into cars in Lot 59 before running away. Officers searched the surrounding parking lots, buildings and neighborhoods but found no signs of break-ins or foul play.
Sex offense
A complainant reported a possible sexual abuse case that occurred on campus. The complainant was asked to complete a written statement, which will forward the case to the Investigations Division.