Police Beat: Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
Police Beat

Police Beat: Dec. 23-Jan. 3


Possible trespass
A male was conducting TikTok interviews with students on campus, violating the university policy on filming on campus. The individual was sent a cease and desist letter from BYU Administration. The subject returned to campus to conduct additional interviews. Criminal charges for trespassing are currently pending.

A banned vehicle triggered the security system on campus. An officer located the owner, who was still banned, in the Smith Fieldhouse office, where they printed several shipping labels and took multiple office items. The suspect was arrested and taken to Utah County Jail on charges of burglary and theft.

A woman passed out in the Wilkinson Student Center after donating blood. She was treated and released to her husband.

Paper service
An adult ban letter was served to an individual for trespassing.

An alarm was triggered for a door in the Kimball Tower, indicating a forced entry. The officer did not enter the room because of safety concerns, but all exterior doors were secure.

A door in the Ellsworth Building was left open, triggering an alarm. The area was under renovation and the door was being held open for work purposes.

A door was left propped open in Heritage Halls, triggering the alarm. An officer closed the door.

A door alarm was triggered in the Music Building. The alarm was cleared.

The West Tunnel Entry at the Marriott Center Annex was propped open, triggering the alarm. An officer closed the door.

A door in the Joseph F. Smith Building was propped open, triggering the door alarm. The responding officer told the building care employees in the area that alarmed doors need to stay closed. He then closed the door.

The fire alarm was triggered in the KMBL. Nothing was found and the fire technician reset the alarm.

The component of a water heater in Wyview Park burned out, causing the fire alarm to go off.

A report was made of an alarm coming from near building 11C in Wymount Terrace. It was a smoke detector in a dumpster near building 12A.

A fire alarm went off at WP. Tenants advised that they had just burned their pizza.

A fire alarm went off at WP. Tenants advised that they had just burned their food.

A fire alarm went off at WP. Tenants advised that it was a cooking error.

A fire alarm went off at the Missionary Training Center. An officer reset the alarm and cleared the area.

A carbon monoxide alarm was triggered in WP. It was determined that carbon monoxide was present in the apartment, because of baking with the stove for an extended period.

Unsecured door
An officer observed a door propped open at the SFH. The building should have been secure because of the Christmas Eve holiday.

A report was made of a possible fire near the Thomas L. Martin Building. There was no fire, rather only steam rising through the grates covering the underground tunnels.

An individual has been leaving letters around campus searching for someone they believe used to work at the Creamery on Ninth. There is no criminal activity.

Found property
An abandoned bag was left at a light pole near the Clyde Building. The bag is navy blue, has a strap and several zippers, and contains a dish with a lid. There was no ID with the bag, so it was put in the lost and found at the WSC.

Property damage
Several toilet seats were left damaged at the JFSB. There are no identified suspects.

Paper service
An adult ban letter was served to an individual for trespassing.