Injured deer
A BYU EMS student reported an injured deer near the Brimhall Building. It appeared to have been hit by a car. The Utah Division of Wildlife wasn’t able to respond, so the officer euthanized the animal in a safe, humane manner. The grounds department removed the remains.
Traffic offense
A road rage incident occurred on University Parkway. The driver of a Honda Civic pulled over to let an SUV pass him. After the SUV passed, the driver parked immediately in front of the Civic, got out of his car, and yelled, “You got a problem” before punching the driver’s window.
A male and female were seen inside the fenced area of the Eyring Science Center at 3 a.m. They ran down the southern part of campus, past the Botany Pond. They have yet to be identified.
A caller reported his bike missing from the bike rack near the Life Science Building. The case is under investigation.
A theft report was made about a new, pre-assembled furnace near the Physical Facilities North Building. The case is being referred to investigators.
A traffic accident occurred in Lot 2. A female hit a parked and unoccupied vehicle while trying to park her car. Vehicle information was exchanged.
A female reported that her car had been hit and a note was left. She is working on getting information from the person that hit her car.
A car slid and hit the curb on Helaman Drive. The car was disabled and the driver contacted the American Automobile Association.
The robbery alarm was triggered at the Creamery on Ninth. It was a false alarm, triggered by a new employee.
A fire alarm/chemical spill occurred at West Campus. Provo Fire determined that custodians could clean the spill without special precautions.
A fire alarm was triggered at Heritage Halls Building 13. The tenants advised that there were no signs of smoke or flames. The alarm was silenced.
A fire alarm was triggered at Wymount. The tenants advised that the alarm was caused by smoke from burnt cooking oil.
A fire alarm was triggered at Wymount. The tenants were out of town and there were no signs of smoke or flames.
Gas smell
A gas smell was reported in the Eyring Science Center. The carbon monoxide equipment did not detect any harmful gases.
Tenants at Wymount reported smelling gas in their apartment. The carbon monoxide equipment did not detect any harmful gases.
Ban letter service
An individual serving a sentence at the Utah County Jail received a university ban letter from BYU Police investigators. They are currently under investigation for an incident that occurred on campus.
A student was experiencing a medical episode in the Life Science building. They refused transportation to the hospital.
An individual had a possible broken leg at the Smith Fieldhouse. They declined transportation to the hospital.
A student crashed while riding their scooter next to the Smith Fieldhouse. She was treated and released.
A male student collided with another player while playing soccer at the Indoor Practice Facility. He was given an ice pack for his injured knee.
A female student was experiencing a non-epileptic seizure for more than 15 minutes at the Music Building. She was transported to the Utah Valley Hospital.
A suspicious person entered the Administration Building and was asking questions about the tunnel system. The person also had been at the Brewster building, asking similar questions. Camera footage was found of the person, and they were identified.
Found property
A prescription was found in the Crabtree Building. After verifying the identity with a driver’s license, the prescription was given back to its owner.
A wallet was turned into the police department. It was returned to its owner.
Lost property
A BYU employee lost keys belonging to BYU. The key shop requires him to report the incident to the police before new keys can be issued.
Welfare check
A mother of a female student was unable to reach her daughter and requested an officer to check on her. An officer made contact, and the student advised that she didn’t have her phone on her.