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Washington D.C. Republicans meet up on election night

Washington D.C. Republicans meet up on election night

There were dozens of Democrat watch parties all over Washington, D.C. on election night, but there was only one Republican watch party.

Toward the beginning of the night, Republicans from just the D.C. area filed into "Dirty Water," a local bar, in hopes of a Donald Trump victory.

“I think that Trump is going to win. We went to Pennsylvania and there were a lot of Trump signs on the road. The vibe is very pro Trump right now,” Stephen, a watch party attendee, said.

Although most people attending were Americans, several international conservative party goers came purely for the spectacle.

“This is sort of like an MMA fight. We are just here for the show so we are ready to see the two parties beat each other up and we are just eating the popcorn,” Michael, a Dutch conservative, said.

As states were called throughout the night, the electricity in the room was palpable. Some party goers were glued to the TV all night in anticipation.

For others, it was just an excuse to get together and have a fun time.

The party was still going at 1:22 a.m. when NewsNation called the election for Trump.