Lindon residents participate in first annual Lindon City Turkey Trot - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Lindon residents participate in first annual Lindon City Turkey Trot

Two contestants taking a selfie at the finish line. Lindon hosted a turkey trot the weekend before Thanksgiving, featuring a 5K and 1 mile fun run. (Berlin Anderson)

Lindon City held its first annual Turkey Trot through the town to kick off Thanksgiving holiday Nov. 23.

"Trot through the beautiful street of Lindon starting and ending at Lindon City Park. Whether you run, walk or waddle, it’s all about the fun!" the registration website said.

Lindon City had so much success with the 5K during their centennial Lindon Days last August, that a turkey trot was quickly added to the recreational calendar, McKindra Camp, current parks and recreation coordinator and pool manager in Lindon, said.

"It's a small enough race that enough people will come, but it's not overwhelming," she said. "It's a great opportunity to bring the community together."

Lindon Parks and Recreation hopes to adjust the route for the trot to highlight different spots throughout Lindon in future events, Camp noted.

"The Lindon motto is 'A little bit of country,'" she said.

Melissa Grenko has been doing fun runs in Lindon for as long as they can remember.

“I started doing fun runs when I was one,” Grenko said

Grenko has carried the beloved tradition down to her children, and her daughter completed this year’s one mile fun run at the trot, she explained.

“My family’s been here in Lindon for a long time,” Grenko said. “Now I’ve got my daughter who’s done a couple of fun runs.”

The tradition has grown so much that it’s not just Grenko and her daughter that participate in the run, Grenko noted.

“We all do it,” she said. “Grandmas, grandpas, everybody I know.”

There’s something about the small-town community that makes the fun run such a memorable event, Grenko added.

“I just love the Lindon community,” she said. “The people who set this up for us are so nice. I’m good friends with them.”

Since Lindon is a small town, many of its events get overlooked by neighboring cities, Camp explained.

"A ton of community members are not aware of the events going on," she said. "The more outreach we can get is awesome."

To learn more about Lindon Parks and Recreation activities, visit their website.