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FSY reaches new heights

FSY reaches new heights

For the Strength of Youth isn't just a camp — it’s an opportunity for teens to connect, reflect and draw closer to their Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, the experience doesn’t stop at in-person sessions; thanks to the efforts of Kelly Williams, the program includes a virtual option, reaching youth worldwide in new and meaningful ways.

At her desk, Kelly Williams is focused on making virtual FSY an experience that truly connects youth to their faith. “Virtual FSY is a way for kids to experience coming to Jesus in the comforts of their home,” Williams said.

Williams has been deeply involved with FSY for years, helping shape the program into what it is today — a life-changing experience for youth worldwide. FSY sessions, held in dozens of countries, bring teens together to learn, grow and create lasting friendships.

Support for FSY programs stems from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which works to ensure youth have opportunities to strengthen their faith and connect — even virtually.

When the need arose for a virtual option, Williams developed ways to adapt FSY’s core activities — like devotionals, group discussions and dance parties — for an online format.

“Not only does it help the youth, it impacts the YSA. I’ve seen YSA counselors, through their leadership and sharing their testimony, build a strong foundation on Christ,” Williams said.

Rylee Crowder, an FSY counselor and photographer for in-person sessions, shared her perspective on the program’s impact. “My favorite part is the kids. They are just so prepared and I learned so much from them,” she said.

FSY’s mission is clear: to inspire and uplift youth, helping them develop their faith and strengthen their personal testimonies.

“This is why virtual FSY is so important,” Williams said, showing a video clip of a youth testifying about FSY’s impact.

One youth from India, Swathi Lurdhunathan, attended FSY in her home country. She shared how the program influenced her life and decisions.

“My friends and I decided to serve a mission after attending FSY,” she said.

Thanks to the efforts of Kelly Williams and others, FSY continues to expand its reach, proving that faith and connection truly know no boundaries. Whether through in-person gatherings or virtual experiences, FSY remains a guiding light for youth around the globe.