A locked bike was reported missing from Riviera Apartments and is believed to be for sale online. The case is currently under investigation.
An ESPN employee was contacted regarding the theft of a microphone displaying the ESPN flag worth $200 located at the LaVell Edwards Stadium. It was found to be missing on Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Motorist assist
Officers responded to a report of a broken-down car in the loading zone of the Missionary Training Center. The officers were able to both control traffic in the vicinity and get the car running again.
Vehicle burglary
Following up on a vehicle burglary, officers were led to a storage unit where they found the stolen property along with personal-use methamphetamine and heroin. The suspect, who was found to have active felony cases with Provo police and active cases with Orem police, was arrested on felony charges.
University police and EMS responded to a complaint of a male with a dislocated knee. He was transported to medical care by his father.
A female passed out in the Life Sciences Building while working on cadavers in the anatomy lab. Provo and University EMS responded, and the patient was released on scene.
Another female passed out in the cadaver lab of the Life Sciences Building, hitting her head on the floor. University EMS assessed her, but she denied any medical treatment and was released at the scene.
Welfare check
A male student reported having a panic attack at the Joseph F. Smith Building. The officer helped the complainant to calm down and gave him a ride back to his dorm.
An officer was sent to find a female who did not clear from a safe walk. The officer spoke with her at her residence where she explained that she was fine, she had just forgotten to clear her safe walk.
University police responded to a welfare check called in by a family member for a possibly suicidal student. Officers were able to get in contact with the student over the phone, and the student agreed to self-admit to professional care. Family members were updated throughout the evening by officers who continue to follow up with the family.
An employee was reported missing and unresponsive to phone calls. Officers searched around the Smith Fieldhouse and were able to locate him.
Found property
Two training cartridges, used for law enforcement training, were found near the LaVell Edwards Stadium. The rounds were collected from the reporting party by officers.
Officers were dispatched to the football team’s practice field on suspicion of a group trespassing to play soccer. Upon arrival, the officer didn’t see anyone on the field, but found an intramural game being played on the intramural field nearby.
Two juvenile males were found to be trespassing and driving a studio golf cart at the Motion Picture Studio. Before the officer’s arrival, the juveniles were stopped by a security guard and were warned about the police. The males were last seen taking off and were unable to be located.
An officer responded to the report of a suspicious male in the Harold B. Lee Library. After speaking with him, the officer found the man to already have a pending trespass ban. A University detective arrived, and the ban was officially served.
Traffic offense
Juveniles were found to be riding electric motorbikes on the Y-trail. Officers instructed the group on the laws of electric bikes and were sent home with a verbal warning.
A female requested to meet with university police over threats from her ex-boyfriend. The officer spoke to the suspect and was charged with threats of violence.
Citizen contact
A female reported her car to be missing from the Marriott Center parking lot. When an officer reached out, she stated that she had found her vehicle.
Traffic accident
A male driver had a diabetic episode and went over the median on Cougar Boulevard and Canyon Road. The driver was treated on the scene and released to a friend. The damaged posts were reported, and the car was towed.
An unidentified female was reported to have attended a class in the Joseph F. Smith Building but was not on the roll and was acting strangely. Officers were unable to find the female.
A female student reported an unsolicited contact from a male on social media. After reporting the individual, she blocked him.