The Black Student Union step team has been practicing in preparation for the BYU Perspectives event happening on Feb. 17.
Members of the team have been practicing for their role in the upcoming Perspectives event happening as part of Black History Month.
Kiese Mpongo, vice president of the Black Student Union at BYU, is also one of the captains of union’s step team.
“I feel like teaching this group has been really rewarding and really fun, and at the end of the day, we just want to have fun. It's not about looking super precise and perfect.” Mpongo said.
Mpongo teaches students interested in dance the moves they will use in their performances.
“We will show everyone the step first, and then we will break it up into steps. Luckily a lot of them are fast learners.” Mpongo said.
Mahealani Fuller works with the team as their choreographer, guiding the students through the dance moves and teaching them the steps they need.
“The choreo is sometimes hard for them, but I know that they're trying their hardest and they always come back the next class with the choreo memorized for the most part,” Fuller said.
Fuller’s experience with choreography helps her teach both the men and women their respective parts.
“I can see how dedicated they are and how much time and effort they put in,” Fuller said.
Izzy Riera heard about the team on Instagram, and wanted to try it out.
“I have a huge love for dancing and hip-hop, and so this is something that I was drawn towards,” Riera said.
As one of only 10 men on the 50 member team, Riera has found that dancing helps him show who he really is.
“Dancing is the best way to express yourself, or to get to know a different culture or community,” Riera said.
As the team prepares for the Perspective event, they wanted to ensure that all students would be welcome.
“If you're curious in either performing or just coming to see us,' Mpongo said. 'I would definitely encourage you to come. Even if you come alone ... you'll definitely find a friend in Perspectives.'
The BSU team is working hard to showcase their talents.