Only at BYU: Two-Week Fake Boyfriend



Kate baked a cake for her “boyfriend,” and a picture made it all the way to the popular instagram account provogirlsamiright, an account created to poke fun at Provo girls’ dating. (provogirlsamiright)

“Only at BYU” would a professor give points for starting a fake relationship. In Professor Tammy Hill’s Marriage Prep class students are given the optional assignment to have a two-week boyfriend or girlfriend. This assignment is called the “14-day challenge” and is part of a larger semester long experiential assignment.

The 14-day challenge, which requires students to ask a friend to be in an exclusive relationship with them for 14 days has proven to be a great learning experience. Kate and Laura (who’s names have been changed) decided to take on the challenge. A Universe reporter followed their experience. Listen to the podcast below.


song by DJ Quads
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