Utah Area Presidency invites young adults to weekend conference - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Utah Area Presidency invites young adults to weekend conference

Young single adults dance at a Utah Area YSA Conference event at the Weber Institute. The Utah Area Presidency is inviting young single adults ages 18-35 to the Utah Area YSA Conference this weekend in Salt Lake City. (@weberinstitute via Instagram)

The Utah Area Presidency is inviting young single adults ages 18-35 to the upcoming Utah Area YSA Conference on Aug. 2-4 in Salt Lake City.

The conference is a ticketed event, and registration will be open throughout the weekend.

Conference highlights will include a devotional with Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve, a concert from Ben Rector, Rachel Platten and Emma Nissen in the Delta Center and an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for “The Most Contributions to a Greetings Card” by signing the largest birthday card for President Russell M. Nelson’s 100th birthday.

This schedule provides information for all events during the UTYSA conference. The Utah Area Presidency is inviting young single adults ages 18-35 to the Utah Area YSA Conference this weekend in Salt Lake City. (@utysaconf via Instagram)

The weekend will be packed with other speakers, performances and classes. An events schedule and map can be found on the UTYSA conference website.

The conference’s Instagram has invited individuals to share their testimonies of faith on social media using the hashtag #utysaconf in anticipation of this weekend’s spiritually uplifting events.

“Why I believe in Jesus Christ? There are so many reasons,” Felicity Westwood said on the UTYSA conference Instagram account. “I just love Him so much.”

The Instagram account has also shared experience of past conference-goers, including an Cassidy Laine who met her fiance at the conference in 2023.

“I can promise you as you put in the effort, God will bless you,” Laine said via Instagram. “If you’re on the fence about coming, please come. It’s going to be so fun.”

Young single adults attending the conference will also have the opportunity to help break the Guinness World Record the the largest speed-dating event.

“We can’t wait to see old friends, make new ones, and experience the spiritual growth this incredible weekend promises,” UTYSA conference said via Instagram. “Get ready for unforgettable memories and life-changing moments.”