Police Beat: May 31-June 6 - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
Police Beat

Police Beat: May 31-June 6



There was a suspicious individual going through the dumpster and yelling at people at the Riviera. Officers were unable to locate the individual.


Officers were dispatched to a medical incident at the Y trailhead. An elderly individual collapsed while hiking and required medical attention. The individual was transported to the hospital by Provo Fire and BYU EMS.

There was an FSY student feeling faint at the Wilkinson Student Center. BYU EMS responded almost immediately and stated they did not need the officer to stay. BYU EMS released the student to FSY health coordinators.


Smith Fieldhouse student employees found shaving cream on some of the lockers and part of a suitcase in the locker room. There was no damage, but the employees wanted the incident logged in case of something similar occurring in the future.

An officer was dispatched to Wymount terrace about a suspicious individual in their late 20s mumbling to themselves and looking through the bike racks. Upon arrival, the officer found an individual that fit the description and stopped to talk to them. The individual continued to leave the area and refused to stop for the officer. The officer checked with the complainant that no items were stolen.

There was a report of two suspicious individuals at the Music Building. Officers could not find the described individuals after searching the building. They discovered the report was delayed and they could not find the individuals in the surrounding area.

An officer responded to the Student Health Center about a black tote that was left on the roof of a shed. The tote was found to be empty and seemed to be left there by someone dumping something into the dumpster below. The tote also seemed to have been there for a long time because of spiderwebs covering the tote. The officer disposed of the tote in the dumpster and left the scene.


Officers were dispatched to the Wilkinson Student Center for a possible sex offense. A minor said they received an unsolicited pornographic image from an unknown sender on snapchat. They originally believed the incident happened that day on BYU campus, but after talking to the complainant learned it occurred in 2022 and not on BYU property. The parents of the minor have been informed. No further action will be taken.

It was reported to the BYU police that a group of juveniles on BYU campus made a group chat. The individual who made the group chat accidentally added a number that belongs to an unknown individual. The unknown individual was sending messages on the chat that are foul in nature. The juveniles were advised to block the number.

Alarm — flood

An officer responded to Heritage Halls Building 3 for a supervisory flood alarm. The officer checked the rooms, custodial rooms and the basement and found no flooding. The officer then cleared the building

Fire — hazmat

There was a battery fire on the east side dock of the engineering building. When officers arrived the student had already put out the fire that occurred when they were working on a vehicle battery for a class project. Provo Fire and EMS checked the battery for additional heat but did not detect any. They placed the battery in water and cleared the scene.


There was a bike theft at the UVX bus stop on the south side of 900 North. Officers were able to determine the time and date of the theft and requested footage from BYU Security. The bike was listed as stolen.

There was a stolen bicycle from Wymount Terrace. The bicycle was taken from the porch of the complainants apartment. The suspect cut the cable that was locking up the bicycle. The owner provided pictures and a serial number for the bicycle. The bicycle will be listed in the National Crime Information Center.

Lost property

An officer called a complainant about a lost BYU key. The complainant said they would need about a week to gather the necessary information needed to file a report. They said they would call back when they are ready.

There was a delayed report of lost property at the Eyring Science Center. The complainant lost a BYU issued key sometime over the last few months. He did not know when he lost the key, but believed it was in the ESC. A report was taken and the complainant was given a case number.

Juvenile problem

An officer contacted a complainant with FSY concerning a juvenile problem in Heritage Halls. Unknown suspects snuck into three different rooms while they were gone and wrote 'death' and 'poop' on their mirrors with soap. They also ate some of their food. The culprits are unknown. Officers documented the incident.

A juvenile texted BYU Enrollment Services and said she wanted to run away and was struggling at home. The case was turned over to the Unified Police Department as the child lived in their jurisdiction.

DCFS report

A Child Abuse Neglect Report was received from the Utah Division of Child and Family Services about a possible sex offense that occurred last week on BYU campus during an FSY event. The case will be investigated in coordination with the DCFS staff.

Accident-property damage

An officer responded to a minor accident. A vehicle was backing up and hit an unoccupied vehicle in a parking stall. The officer took vehicle and driver information and provided each individual involved with exchange information.


BYU Police, EMS and Provo Fire responded to a report of a woman having a seizure at the library. The patient was evaluated by EMS and Provo Fire and was then taken to the EMS office to be observed until she got a ride.

Officers responded to a patient having a seizure at the Benson Building. Provo Fire and BYU EMS treated the patient. It was determined the patient did not need to be transported and was left with BYU EMS.

Fire alarm

There was a carbon monoxide alarm at Wymount Terrace. An apartment that was not properly vented was running a window-mounted air conditioner. Provo Fire detected the carbon monoxide level upon arrival and opened the windows to vent the apartment until the levels were gone. Housing stated they would come out the following day. Residents were educated on how to properly vent their apartment.


There was an alarm at the cashier window at the Smoot Administration Building. The alarm cleared as officers arrived, and they verified it was an accidental push.