Police Beat: May 16-22


Property damage

There was a minor property damage accident between a van used for FSY and a parked vehicle in Lot 45. An officer made contact with the owner of the parked vehicle, took a report and provided both parties with the drivers’ exchange information.

A BYU employee backed a BYU truck into a pole around Gate 5 of LaVell Edwards Stadium. There was slight damage to the rear of the vehicle, but the driver was not harmed.

An officer responded to Lot 25 on a report of a lawn mower damaging a vehicle. The operator of the lawn mower said they did not realize a bolt from the mower had scraped the front bumper of the vehicle until after it had already happened. The officer will document the incident and send the case number to both parties.


One of the graduates at their high school graduation ceremony felt faint. BYU EMTs assessed the patient and released them to their school nurse.

An elderly graduation attendee fell and injured themselves as they were exiting the Marriott Center. The Provo Fire Department transported the patient to the hospital for further medical care.

A BYU officer responded to the ISB on a medical call about a sick person. EMS evaluated and cleared the patient.


An officer saw a vehicle on 900 E with its break light out. Upon looking up the license plate, the officer also discovered the vehicle did not have insurance. The officer pulled the vehicle over. The driver called their insurance company to get their insurance reinstated. The driver received a written warning for having a broken taillight, driving without insurance and speeding.

There was a report of a delayed hit and run accident. The complainant found damage to their parked car. There is no suspect information, but the component will be compiling more information to submit to the officer.

An officer stopped a vehicle at the Y trailhead for a revoked registration and no insurance. The officer impounded the vehicle and cited the driver for driving without insurance. The driver was warned about other offenses and referred the report to the Provo City Attorney’s office to review the charges.


There was a complaint about an individual smoking marijuana around the Maeser Building. Officers searched the area, and could not find an individual matching the description of the complaint.

Escort/Voluntary commitment

A therapist called dispatch and requested they take their patient to Utah Valley Hospital for mental health evaluation and self admission. The patient was transported to the hospital where they were assisted by hospital employees.

Information report

There was a report of an X account named “DezNat” that posts troubling tweets. Information is being shared with the government and other partners to see if they are already monitoring the account.

A complainant called that they had received three calls that morning from a blocked number and wanted to know if the officer could provide more information about the caller. The officer could not provide more information.

A complainant called about the intersection between 900 E and Heritage Drive is dangerous for pedestrians. They were bumped by a car that was turning right at the intersection. The complainant did not want the driver contacted, they just informed that it was dangerous and hope that the light can be turned into a “no right turns on red light” intersection.


A hall advisor found a suspicious bag outside Heritage Halls contains a hard and dark substance. An officer determined it was not drug related and disposed of the bag.


Officers responded to the Engineering Building about a transient individual on the fourth floor. The individual was warming up their food before they left. The officers found no evidence that the individual was camping inside the building or trying to cause alarm.

Officers responded to Lot 6 about a possible trespassing/abandoned property call. The officer located a name and possible phone number for the owner of the property. The owner was sent a message to remove their property from BYU or it would be disposed of. The items were removed within a couple hours and the officer requested a campus ban letter for the transient individual.

Citizen assist

A bike chained to the front of the Engineering Building was reported stolen. The officer discovered it had been impounded and recovered the bike. The owner of the bike came and grabbed if from the BYU Police front desk.

Juvenile problem

An officer responded to Helaman Halls on a report of a juvenile urinating behind the maintenance shed. The officer could not find the individual, but noted a high school baseball game happening at Miller Park.

Animal problem

Officers responded to Lot 45 about a dog that was locked in a car. It was a hot day and the dog seemed to be in distress when they officers got there. They opened the car and transferred the dog to the officers car to cool off. The officers made contact with the dog’s owner and educated them about the dangers of their actions.


An officer responded to a complainant about a light stolen from their bike helmet. The complainant parked their bike on May 17 and returned at 11 p.m. that night to find their light missing.

Sex offense

A BYU employee filed a report about and individual sending them a pornographic photo via email. Information is being gathered for an investigation. BYU Title IX and Victim Advocate are being informed about the incident.

An officer responded to Wymount Terrace on a report about concerning behavior between an adolescent and several young children. Two mothers were concerned about their young children and the case was referred to BYU detectives.


An officer responded to a call from a BYU employee about a suspicious individual south of the Life Sciences Building. The officer did not find the individual and did not see anyone matching the description upon reviewing the security footage.

Officers reported to the east side of Crabtree Technology Building about a homeless individual loitering in the area. When the officers got there the individual was walking towards 900 E. The officers did not make contact.


Officers responded to the Y Trailhead on a report of a disorderly individual. The officers made contact with an individual walking out of the lowest parking lot. The individual refused to stop for the officers and said they were walking home. They also made a comment about being upset about always being bullied. The individual would not provide their name and the officers left after checking the trailhead for anything else.

Hazardous condition

A complainant called about a couple who had a small fire in the back of their SUV. The officers made contact with the couple. They had a small stove that they were roasting marshmallows over. The officer observed no danger. With the possibility of it getting out of hand, the couple turned it off and took it elsewhere.

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