Students restart Boxing Club, focus on gender inclusivity


Three students from three different backgrounds got together and formed one of the most successful clubs on campus: the Boxing Club.

The club was first created by a former BYU student, but after he graduated, the club was abandoned. This inspired students Zenos Villondo, Kisione Taufa and Tabea to start the club back up again.

“I think boxing is a really great hobby because it combines skill with accessibility and I think that’s what everyone needs in a community. Connection and accessibility,” Villondo said.

The club goes through warm-up exercises, boxing and then splits into three groups to practice blocking techniques, proper footing and sparring etiquette.

The club stands for women empowerment and encourages anyone to come. The club wants to help students feel strong and more confident.

“I can do hard things. I can do what men do, so that’s why I want to instill in others that you can come too, it doesn’t matter what gender you are,” Tabea said.

The student instructors explain the moves and make sure to do it in a safe environment.

At the end of every practice students have the opportunity to spar and practice the moves they went over.

“The fact that I can be here on campus and have a group of individuals that share this love for this sport is the best thing ever,” Taufa said.

The students are passionate about what they do and hope to share their passion with other students on campus.

“Most of all I hope they come out of this with a network of friends with whom they can connect with and train and study with for the rest of their student career,” Villondo said.

The boxing club meets every Thursday from 7-9 p.m. Participants can visit the club’s Instagram page to be notified of changes of time or place.

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