Utah family helps couples connect through adventure - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Utah family helps couples connect through adventure


One Utah family is changing dating for couples. A father and son from Fruit Heights, Utah is bringing psychology and fun to its new couples challenge initiative, Adventure Couples.

This holiday season is challenging couples to spend time and create memories together through the Christmas Chase, a series of dating challenges completed as a couple.

A while after they were married, entrepreneur Britton Rasmussen and his wife, Sarandon Rasmussen, started to fall out of their dating routine. Life got busy, they said.

'There came a point where we were just sitting at home and were just like we're so bored. What are we going to do tonight?” Sarandon Rasmussen said. 

Britton Rasmussen and Sarandon Rasmussen make sushi together. Britton Rasmussen came up with the idea for Adventure Couples after he and his wife realized how important dating was in their relationship. (Photo courtesy of Britton Rasmussen)

They restarted their weekly date nights; that sparked their dating challenge idea. 

“I remember we both said the comment, ‘Wow I forgot what it was like dating you,’ and we both talked about it. It feels so good to date again,” Britton Sarandon said. 

Britton Rasmussen talked to his father, Klayne Rasmussen, who is a BYU graduate and has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist. 

Klayne Rasmussen's 12 principles every relationship must have include balance and commitment. The booklets are part of the Adventure Couples initiative. (Photo courtesy of Britton Rasmussen)

The father and son combined their unique skills to create date experiences that foster connection and togetherness for couples.

“His ability to understand and market and create these fun activities combined with the principles and understanding and process of relationships and marriage the dynamics there makes this a pretty special partnership,” Klayne Rasmussen said. 

Adventure Couples offers these dating adventures along with therapeutic advice and principles. Klayne Rasmussen compiled 12 principles every relationship must have.

“What I’m most excited about this partnership is it gives me an opportunity to help couples differently than sitting here in therapy,” Klayne Rasmussen said. 

Hundreds signed up for their treasure hunt in October, and even more couples signed up for the Christmas Chase. Challenges in the chase include dates like completing a polar plunge and other winter activities.

Britton Rasmussen and Sarandon Rasmussen speak about the Christmas Chase. The Christmas Chase begins Dec. 1. (Photo courtesy of Britton Rasmussen)

Couples earn points when they complete dates and upload photos or videos of the dates on the website. The overall winner wins an all expenses paid five day trip to Mexico.

“As far as our family, we talk a lot now that our mission is to help other people, and this is the first business I've had that has a mission to serve and help. We've talked about what if for the next 10-20 years our purpose is to help couples,” Britton Rasmussen said. 

Joining the Christmas Chase is free and open to all and starts Dec. 1. Whether couples participate, the Rasmussens said the most important part is connecting with people you love this season.