The ROC rolled out its first-ever rewards system for BYU sporting events Tuesday, debuting at the women’s basketball game against UVU.
BYU announced that the new rewards system will have different “tiers” of rewards. Prizes are based on points earned by attending women’s basketball games this year. Rewards range from exclusive basketball T-shirts to a pair of Jordans.
“I just became women’s basketball's number one fan (for real),” said @ryan_from_school on Instagram.
Students earn 10 points for every game they attend by scanning their ROC passes at entry. Prizes are guaranteed when students earn sufficient points.
A score of 140 points puts a student in tier 1, earning them a pair of Jordans, a signed basketball, and a lunch with coach Amber Whiting. That means attending 14 games or every home game for the rest of the season.
'It's a cool idea, but who knows how many points you need. It's kind of ambiguous,' Jaydee Davis said. 'I can't even commit to making it to every men's game with school and work, even though I'd like to.'
Some of the students' questions regarding this ambiguity were cleared up in the comments section on the ROC's Instagram.
According to the post by @byuroc, students have been asking for a reward system, but one has to wonder if that’s really the case, or if this is a plan to increase attendance at less popular sporting events.
Either way, one can only hope this new reward system will bring a larger attendance to underrepresented and under-appreciated sports like women's basketball.
Women basketball players Amari Whiting, Kailey Woolston and Emma Calvert are all promoting the program. Each of them had reposted the announcement to their personal Instagram accounts hoping to get more fans at their game.
If getting a free pair of Jordans wasn't convincing enough, what about free Chick-fil-A? @byuroc posted on their stories that the first 250 students with a ROC pass at the game would get a free chicken sandwich.
Overkill? Well, the semi-filled student section at the BYU vs. UVU game tells you all you need to know.