Thousands of people from around the world gathered in Salt Lake City to hear messages from Church leaders during the193rd Semiannual General Conference
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints listened to inspired messages from Church leaders during the Saturday sessions of General Conference on Sept. 30.
Church leaders shared messages of service and the importance of the covenant path during the Saturday morning session.
“I am grateful for millions of Church members who today are coming unto the Savior and pressing forward on the covenant path in the last wagons of our contemporary wagon trains — and who truly are no less serviceable,” Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve said.
Elder Ian S. Ardern of the Seventy encouraged Church members to focus on small acts of service towards others.
“Despite our every effort, you and I won’t heal everyone but each of us can be the one who can make a difference for good in the life of someone,” Elder Ardern said.
The messages in the Saturday afternoon session focused on strengthening the spirit and trusting in the healing power of the Savior.
'The Savior knows through his experience how to support us through life's challenges. Make no mistake, Christ is our rescuer and the healer of our souls,' Elder Alan T. Phillips of the Seventy said.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve shared insight into how Latter-day Saints can feel the warmth of the Spirit.
“The Spirit cannot be restrained from attending a gathering of holy people. If you hope to feel the Spirit, be with people where the Spirit can easily dwell,” Elder Stevenson said.
Taylor Dryden, a BYU student from Kansas, said she enjoyed having a more spiritual experience at her first in-person general conference.
“I love watching it at home but there’s something different about being there. It hits harder and you can really feel the Spirit in the room,” Dryden said.
Latter-day Saints will have the opportunity to hear additional insights from Church leaders during the Sunday sessions of General Conference.