Reservations are now available for the newly-built Orem Temple's open house tour, according to a Sept. 20 Church News
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stated the public open house will take place from Oct. 27 to Dec. 16. Reservations are available online
The new temple was built on Geneva Road, near the I-15. Howard Chueh, a junior at BYU from Taiwan, said he sees it each time he drives on the freeway.
“It is nearby the highway so everyone can go, no excuses,” said Chueh.
The tours at the public open house will begin with a short video before guests walk through the temple, according to Church News. There is more information regarding parking, shuttles and recommended attire here
“You don’t need a temple recommend to go to an open house,' Chueh said. 'It’s a great way to help people to feel the spirit in the temple.”
Chueh had personal experiences going to the temple in Taiwan growing up. He was able to go inside the temple for a family sealing when he was seven years old, he said.
“I thought it was really boring, to be honest,” he said about his initial thoughts during the ceremony. “However, when we finished the ordinance I was like, ‘Wow, there’s something special here!’ and I wanted to stay longer,” he said.
Chueh said he would love to reserve a time to visit the new Orem Temple.
“There’s a lot of great places and great beauty in the world but the temple is special,” he said. “It teaches you about eternity.”
BYU freshman Michael Whitney from Long Island, New York said he is excited to have another temple close by.
“Growing up on Long Island, we only had one temple and it was in the city,” he said. “I love how accessible it is to me and that I’m able to make those reservations to go on a weekly basis, or even more if I wanted to.”
BYU student Helaman Sosi said he has seen the temple help him and other Church members. When one of his close relatives passed away, he said he knew he would one day see her again because of an experience in the temple.
Aside from feeling connected to loved ones, Sosi explained there are other blessings that come from the temple.
“The main blessing it has given me is maintaining an eternal perspective, especially with being in college and different responsibilities you have,” he said.
Sosi said he has already made reservations and will be at the Orem Temple open house next month. While not required, reservations for the open house are recommended.