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BYU police to conduct Y-Alert system

A Y-Alert will go out on July 20 at 10:50 a.m. This is part of a routine test. (Universe Archives)

BYU Police will be conducting a routine test of the university’s Y-Alert system on July 20 at 10:50 a.m.

Y-Alert, which has been in place since 2009, is 'designed to immediately alert BYU students and employees of an emergency or serious threat by email and/or text message,' according to BYU Emergency Management.

Emergency notifications may prompt students to evacuate, seek shelter, stay put or run, hide or fight. During the drill, no response is necessary, Deputy Emergency Manager Andrew Christensen said.

On July 20, the campus community can expect to see emergency notifications in their inboxes or messaging applications. On campus, alerts will come through classroom TVs and projectors, radios and intercom systems. 

In case of a true emergency, BYU community members should ensure their university contact information is up-to-date, Christensen said. Students, faculty and staff can enroll in Y-Alert and update contacts at this link, or by accessing Personal Information via MyBYU.

'We encourage everyone to be aware of their surroundings and think critically about what hazards they might encounter,' Christensen said.

Potential hazards include natural disasters, manmade or technological hazards, building fires and criminal behavior.

Christensen emphasized that Y-Alert is the first official source of information in case of disaster. Messages will detail what is happening and what campus response should be, he said.

'The best things students can do to be prepared are to be aware of what hazards there are and have a plan for what to do,' Christensen said of potential future campus emergencies. 'We encourage students to have some basic emergency supplies and have a communications plan to let family members know you are safe.'

Y-Alert drills are typically conducted semi-annually. These routine proceedings should not be cause for alarm.