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Eye on the Y: Winners announced for third annual BYU Engineering Rube Goldberg Challenge, BYU Singers travel to Spain to compete with choirs from around the world

Winners announced for the BYU Engineering's third Annual Rube Goldberg Challenge

(BYU Engineering via Youtube)

The BYU College of Engineeringannouncedthe winners for the third annual Rube Goldberg Challenge.

A Rube Goldberg machine is 'a contraption that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated fashion,' according to theirwebsite. Students were invited to create a 15-second machine, record a video of it and send it to the college.

This year's winners were Carson Reed, Nathan Crane, Bond Headlee, Kevin Steele and Jake Hunter.

BYU Singers travel to Spain to compete with choirs from around the world

BYU Singers perform in Spain against chamber choirs from around the world. (Andrew Crane)

BYU Singers wereinvited, along with ten other chamber choirs, to compete in Spain with choirs from ten different countries.

BYU Singers leader Andrew Crane said organizers seek out competitors by researching previous competitions to assess skill before inviting them.

The group placed second place in the folk, or cultural, set and third in the polyphony, or classical, set. “I am extremely proud of how BYU Singers fared at the competition,” Andrew Crane, the leader of the choral group, said.