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BYU Cornbelly's event draws over 1200 students

BYU students and guests traveled to Cornbelly's Corn Maze at Thanksgiving Point for a night of fun fall activities on Oct. 27.

These students and guests bought tickets through the BYU Student Association for a discounted price, traveling from Provo, UT to Thanksgiving Point, UT to explore the Cornbelly's Cornmaze at Thanksgiving Point.

BYU provided up to two discounted tickets per student, lowering the normal cost of $18.95 dollars per adult down to $8.50 per adult. BYU freshman Cameron Barlow said she was excited to go through the corn maze, and was 'happy BYU provided the discount here for us.'

BYU junior Brooklyn Barlow was in charge of leading this activity, after only working for BYUSA for two months. 'I'm so excited to see it come together and kind of kick off the holiday season,' Barlow said.

She said she and her team have been preparing for this activity for two months — coordinating with Cornbelly's, team members and Cosmo to make this activity a success. BYUSA posted about the event on their Instagram and on their website. According to Barlow, 1207 tickets were sold for students and their guests.

Cornbelly's had a number of activities that students and other guests could participate in, from a pig race, otherwise known as the 'Pigtucky Derby,' to the Los Moralitos Thrill Circus riding dirt bikes inside a giant metal sphere. The corn maze had two separate paths that formed a picture of Peter Pan from above. Cosmo also made an appearance, taking photos and interacting with students.

BYUSA provided insulated drink dispensers full of hot chocolate, but students and other guests could also purchase food being sold by Cornbelly's vendors.

BYU junior Valeria Valentini said she had never been in a corn maze before, but felt the atmosphere of Cornbelly's was 'very pretty.' According to Valentini, she used to live in Italy and said she didn't really celebrate Halloween until she came to America.

'At BYU, everyone's so stressed right now,' BYU sophomore Charly Bailey said. 'But we're all here and just having a good time and not even worrying about it.'

BYU freshman Ashlyn Morton said she helped set up the tent before the event officially began at 6 p.m. 'I love BYU pride so having all the flags makes me happy because it makes it feel like part of BYU,' Morton said.

BYU freshman Lydia Wright and her friends said they loved the corn maze, as well as the different games that were station around Cornbelly's. 'It was just a fun fall activity,' Wright said. ' wasn't too expensive, so it sounded like a good option.'