Recently while walking past the Wilkinson Student Center, I noticed the missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints striving to share their message with anyone they saw. I am sad to say that in an effort to avoid a potentially awkward situation, I put my head down and picked up my pace. Shameful.
I justified my actions in my head — 'I need to get to class. I am already a member of the Church. I can’t think of a single person at BYU that is not.” As I walked to my next class, regret poured into my chest. Had I not been a missionary myself just two years ago, eager to share my message with anyone I saw?
The next day, the elders were in their usual spot. As I remembered my previous experience, I persuaded myself to talk with them. Our conversation was short. Nothing life-altering happened — no new investigators were found. However, I was left with an extraordinary feeling of love in my heart. It was small but incomparable.
Taking time to talk with the missionaries always seems to be worth it. Doing so can invite more of God’s love into your life.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said missionary work 'is by definition the most important thing you can do in the world.”
As one of the 33,000 students on BYU’s campus with a rigid schedule, I understand that most students don’t have time for an hour-long discussion. They already get their spiritual fill through religion classes each semester. However, even a brief moment with the missionaries — five minutes at most — can bring immense joy into your life, no matter your spiritual background.
With more than 98% of BYU students already members of the Church, it seems hard to help the missionaries. But this does not mean the missionaries cannot help you or me.
Indeed, the missionary's purpose is to “invite others to come unto Christ,'
So, next time you see the elders or sisters on campus, I hope you spare just a few minutes to help them help you.
–Warren Davis
Aliso Viejo, California