President Joe Biden gave his first State of the Union address on Tuesday amid conflict in Ukraine, economic inflation and the lowest approval ratings he's faced yet.
Biden began his speech by addressing the rising violence in Ukraine. He announced the United States will be suspending commercial flights to Russia. The U.S., along with other countries, will continue to enforce powerful sanctions to isolate the country.
'We are holding Russia's actions accountable,' Biden said.
The president announced help is being sent to NATO countries surrounding Ukraine. This aid and the military are going to provide protection to those impacted by the Russian attacks. 'We are continuing to aid Ukrainian people,' Biden said.
Political science major Nathan Tenney believes Biden's remarks and role in the conflict in Ukraine are a huge contribution to his administration.
'Biden's handling of this crisis will likely be remembered by history as one of the greatest successes of his presidency,' Tenney said.
Biden also expressed several goals including lowering prescription drug costs, improving infrastructure, lowering inflation and fixing the tax system.
President Biden's zealous objectives are being viewed very differently by students and other politicians. Some feel Biden is creating hope while others feel he is being unrealistic.
'I hope the State of the Union can be a reminder for each of us that things are better than they seem,' Tenney said. 'The economy is strong by nearly every measure, inflation is not worse than the rest of the world is experiencing, the situation in Ukraine has united NATO and the western alliance.'
Family history major Taya Tobler feels differently. She said Biden and his administration have created a nightmare for American families with four decades of debt, rising gas prices and small business closures.
'I felt that all of his words of potential hope were empty, and he gave no reason for Americans to truly rejoice and feel unified,' Tobler said. 'Biden's administration and the current actions they are taking will be the ultimate cause of our nation's stagnation in the near future.'
Students like history major Joseph Flake thought Biden neglected to address pulling forces from Afghanistan.
'There was a lot I didn’t agree with in his speech,' Flake said. 'I think most Americans agree with me that his agenda is seriously off-base, given his dismal approval rating.'
With all the uncertainty surrounding America's economy, the pandemic and worldly conflict, Biden's administration faces several roadblocks on their way to reach their goals.
'The president needs our support to see the country through our uncertain times,' said Tenney.