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Elder Stanfill encourages students to be the world's peacemakers

(Highlight video by Kelsey Nield)

Elder Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy, told BYU students most blessings come with responsibilities like reflecting the principles and standards taught at this institution.

He expressed his love for the university and the great blessing it is to attend.

“The BYU experience was life-changing for me, it was here that I met Alicia, my wife of nearly 42 years. It was here that I expanded my vision of possibilities, both temporally and spiritually,” Elder Stanfill said. “It was here that I strengthened my convictions and increased my desire to follow the Savior.”

Elder Stanfill said there will be people who change the very course of history, whether it be good or bad.

“Those who make a difference, change generations by bringing people closer to the Savior. These actions will be eternally remembered, making this kind of difference in the lives of God's children,” he said.

Elder Stanfill spoke of peacemakers being the people who extend the peace our Savior offers, how they act in peace and represent the Prince of Peace.

“Now, if you're thinking that being a peacemaker is too lofty an aspiration for you, I want to assure you that it is not. That is the beauty of it. Everyone can develop this attribute,” Elder Stanfill said. “If we look to the ministry of Christ, we see many examples of how he extended peace and comfort to those in need and helped them to draw closer to God.”

He told the audience they should all be able to identify the peacemakers in their lives. The peacemakers are those who have brought them close to the Savior with their love. He said these are people the world needs now.

“I encourage you to use every talent and every bit of knowledge and inspiration. You have to change the world,” Elder Stanfill said. “But while you are doing that, I invite you to make a difference in the world.”