College of Life Sciences

Many people are using variations of fasting to lose weight and improve metabolic health. BYU exercise science professor Bruce Bailey and Ph.D. student Landon Deru completed a study looking at how metabolism changes when exercising while fasting
'Everyone's going to be a little grumpier when they fast, but we found that you aren't going to feel worse with the intervention of exercise — with exercise, you can get these extra benefits and be the exact same amount of grumpy as you would be if you didn't exercise,' Deru said.
College of Nursing
BYU professors Janelle Macintosh, Beth Luthy, Renea Beckstrand and several student research assistants have been working on vaccine research
As Macintosh is preparing to teach a pediatric nursing course, she is applying these findings to adjust her curriculum. 'It's exciting to say, 'Hey, there was a hole
— here's this gap in our knowledge. Now we can do something about it because we've identified it,'' Macintosh said.
Marriott School of Business

BYU information systems student Gustavo Zioli uses the skills he learned through the Marriott School of Business to help students successfully find careers after graduation. He collects and cleans data related to events from BYU Career Services and creates dashboards to display that data to help event organizers make better decisions. After graduating in April 2022, Zioli plans on working full-time for Amazon Web Services in Seattle, Washington. Taking care of his family remains a priority to Zioli
'I am so excited to work at a company like Amazon that truly wants to solve business problems, and I feel especially lucky and grateful to be pursuing my career alongside my family,' Zioli said.