The hashtag #twinder blew up on Twitter a few weeks ago. 'Twinder' combined the wide worlds of social media and online dating with interesting results.
This past week, Twitter user Big Relly, the re-instigator of the 'twinder' trend, tweeted about an invite to another Twitter wedding. Universe Live reporter Abby Gunderson went to BYU campus to find out what students think about these new developments in internet dating.
Not all students are Twitter users, but everyone understands the idea of online dating. Chat rooms, Instagram, Twitter and even Tiktok can be a space to meet new people, but that doesn't mean everyone wants to.
“I don't know if it's necessarily my style, I kind of like meeting people in person and getting to know people,” BYU student Connor Wright said.
With in-person meetings limited for so long, apps like Mutual, Tinder and Bumble had an opportunity to fill a need. Finding a significant other online is becoming more common.
“I've had Tinder before, don't like it. I've used Bumble once. I have like one experience and I'm totally off it, but I always give it a try at least once,” BYU student Cynthia Daguillard said.
For some, there's a stigma around virtual dating especially on a traditional social media app like Twitter.
“I feel like when people introduce their partners as someone they met on social media a lot of people question it because they don't feel they can get to know someone on social media,” BYU student Bekah Masina said.
But others see it as a great opportunity.
BYU student Jason Funk is optimistic about the prospects of online dating in an increasingly digital world.
“A lot of people nowadays are more familiar with communicating through technology than face to face so it can remove some barriers,” Funk said.
For some it is the optimal setting to meet people.
“Lots of people have found their 'one and only' from them, and so like, kudos to them,” BYU student Ryan Fenn said.
With 'twinder' and Facebook dating, social media is quickly taking its place among the dating apps.