BYU students sometimes share or rent out their ROC passes to those who do not have a student pass to attend athletic events, but new electronic delivery is calling into question whether this is actually allowed.
Many student ROC Pass holders interviewed were surprised to learn that the passes are not transferable. Some students previously borrowed other’s ROC passes and were unaware of the rule, while others admitted they never knew of the rule explicitly but assumed it was not allowed.
The BYU Ticket Office now distributes ROC passes electronically, making it even more difficult for students to share their ROC Pass with others. According to the ticket office and students, the sharing of ROC passes has occurred with some not understanding the policy.
BYU ROC Pass holder Evan Nottingham was unaware that the pass could not be shared. “I didn’t use it as much as I should have to make it worth the money, which I regret, but I definitely plan on using it more this year,” he said.
Passes are accessed on the BYU app or through the student's BYU ticket account. These passes are not allowed to be shared with any other users, according to a ticket office representative.
BYU senior Makayla Allison was also not aware that ROC Pass sharing was not allowed. This year Allison has a ROC Pass as well as a guest pass.
“I love going to all the games. I grew up going to all the games so it’s nice to have a pass (to get) in,” Allison said. “Being able to be in the student section is fun.”
ROC passes are available for purchase by full-time students. Guest passes can only be purchased by students with a ROC Pass and the limit is one guest pass per student. When a guest pass is purchased, the student must pick up a physical guest card from the Marriott Center Ticket Office.
According to the ticket office, the guest pass can be shared with anyone. The student does not need to be present when the guest pass is used.
Information on purchasing a ROC Pass or tickets can be found online