Masks will be required on campus for fall semester - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Masks will be required on campus for fall semester

Students study in the library wearing masks. BYU announced Friday that faculty and students will be required to wear face masks on campus in classrooms, any indoor space and other areas when directed beginning in the fall semester. (Nate Edwards/BYU Photo)

BYU announced that faculty and students will be required to wear face masks on campus in classrooms, any indoor space and other areas when directed beginning in the fall semester.

The requirements begin Monday, Aug. 23, a week before classes start. Fall semester classes will be operating at full capacity, and face coverings will be required regardless of vaccination status. However, faculty who are fully vaccinated may remove their masks while teaching at an appropriate physical distance.

BYU President Kevin J Worthen released a Youtube video expressing excitement for the fall semester while announcing the mask requirement and encouraging COVID-19 vaccination.

The university plans to consistently monitor the number of cases and reevaluate the need for masks at the end of September based on various factors including hospitalization rates, the immunization rates on campus and guidance from health officials.

Appreciation vouchers will be provided to those who cannot be vaccinated per medical exemptions and those who are fully vaccinated. At the start of the fall semester, vouchers can be picked up at booths around campus or the Y Serve office (2330 WSC). More information on these vouchers can be found on BYU's COVID-19 Updates website.

BYU will also host a vaccine clinic at the Dean of Students Office and WSC Garden Court during new student orientation and the first week of fall semester. Walk-ins are welcome, but students can also make an appointment using this link.

The university encourages the BYU community to observe the recent counsel from the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding wearing masks, social distancing and getting vaccinated.

Here is data as of Aug. 20 showing the vaccination reports and campus vaccination rates for Fall Semester 2021. (BYU COVID-19 Updates website)

BYU's Aug. 20 reports show 76% of staff and faculty and 70% of students have received at least one COVID-19 vaccination.

More information on COVID-19 safety protocols for fall semester can be found on the university's official COVID-19 Updates website. Faculty, staff and students can report their vaccination status at this link.