Utah returns to allowing full capacity - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Utah returns to allowing full capacity

Utah returns to allowing full capacity

As restaurants throughout the state welcome all their customers back, they still need to keep them safe from Covid-19.

The Great China restaurant in Orem has a plan to operate at full capacity when the time comes, including a social distancing and mask policy for customers and workers.

Wayne Liu, owner of the Great China Restaurant, said that the time to open at full capacity will start as soon as Utah county moves from high to moderate transmission phase. Liu also declared that they will follow “CDC guideline” to operate their business.

Excited customers across the state think that restaurants need to open their facilities completely, following health and government protocols to generate profits and strengthen the state economy.

Brandon Smith, a dine-in customer at the Great China restaurant, said, 'I definitely feel like it is a good time to reopen restaurants. The restaurant industry really needs it to be able to reopen.'

Customers also recognize that they need to do their part to stay safe during this new reality.

Despite the increased capacity in restaurants, health and safety remains the main concern for restaurants and customers. Restaurants in the Salt Lake, Cache, Davis, Grand, Sanpete, Wasatch, Box Elder, Duchesne, Juab, Morgan, San Juan, Washington and Weber counties can now move to full capacity, but must still follow the six-foot social distancing and mask mandates.