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BYU to continue in-person Winter Semester

Flowers outside the Harold B. Lee Library get snowed on during Winter Semester 2018. Students will have mixed options for classes in Winter 2021. (Karina Andrew)

BYU students will continue to attend classes in person Winter Semester with the same options of blended and online delivery available in Fall Semester, University Communications announced in an email Oct. 12.

'This is subject to change depending on trends in disease prevalence and guidance from state and local governments,' the announcement says.

Winter 2021 semester classes will begin January 11 and end April 14. The email said BYU is delaying the beginning of winter semester by a week to allow more time between the holidays and the beginning of classes, but the academic calendar will run as previously scheduled, including holidays and exam preparation day.

'I am thankful for the tireless work of our faculty and staff, who through innovation and determination continue to provide our students with a superb education,” President Kevin J Worthen said in the announcement.

Priority registration for winter semester is Oct. 19-23. Students can begin adding winter semester classes to their registration carts now.