Strengthening communication with Heavenly Father

EmmaLee Hall smiles as she shares her thoughts with the team about lessons she’s learned during times of struggle.

FLORENCE, Neb. — EmmaLee Hall, a 19-year-old from Nebraska, has felt God’s love for her as she’s sought answers to her questions, including whether to serve a mission. 

As she knelt down and prayed to Heavenly Father about her desire to serve a mission, EmmaLee said she felt a sense of peace that serving a mission was what she was supposed to be doing. She said it was as if a voice said to her, “Go see and learn.” 

This wasn’t the first time EmmaLee had received an answer to her prayers. She grew up in a home where she was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, but eventually she wanted to know for herself if it was true. She said her answer didn’t come in a single moment, but rather over time. 

Reading the scriptures, hearing other people’s testimonies and having some of her questions answered are “just reassurances that I know that this Church is true and that I’m a daughter of God,” she said

For EmmaLee, asking questions is her way of showing Heavenly Father that she wants to learn more. However, searching for answers is a process that requires both faith and courage.

“I think that it’s very normal to have questions about the gospel,” EmmaLee said. “Even when we’re unsure and still looking for answers, we have to have that faith and courage to ask those questions even if we have to wait.”

Learning to receive revelation has been a learning process for EmmaLee. She sometimes wonders if the impressions she receives are from the spirit or are just her own thoughts. But as she’s continued to seek revelation, she’s learned one important lesson. 

“If it’s good, then act upon it,” she said. “Then you’ll be able to strengthen your communication with the Spirit and with Heavenly Father.”

As she’s sought to strengthen her communication with Heavenly Father, EmmaLee has also learned from the examples of the prophets how to receive revelation.

“I think sometimes me and Joseph Smith have the same way of finding answers,” she said, reflecting on times when she’s turned to prayer and scripture study to receive answers. “That’s how the prophet does it, and that’s how he tells us to do it.” 

Growing up near Winter Quarters,  EmmaLee has reflected often on trials that the pioneer saints faced. Just as the pioneers experienced trials of faith, EmmaLee said the faith of young adults today is also being tried. 

Like the journey to cross the plains was difficult, the journey of gaining a testimony today may not be an easy task. But EmmaLee offered this piece of advice: “Just taking that first step and reading that first chapter or verse and feeling the Spirit. . . you can get a confirmation that this is what needs to be done”

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