CLEVELAND, Ohio. -- Finding your purpose can be hard at any stage in life, but as a young person in your early 20s, it can be especially difficult. Navigating new experiences and making big life decisions is not an easy task, and finding yourself along the way can be even harder. So, how do you find purpose? What does it mean to find yourself and how do you do it?
For Landon Gonser, a young adult living in Cleveland, his journey to finding purpose hasn't been easy, but he has come to understand that finding purpose isn't necessarily a destination, but rather an ongoing journey.
Growing up, Landon played many sports, and it was always something that he was passionate about. As a teenager, sports helped Landon find himself, and he later decided to study sport management at university. Sports have taught him the importance of hard work and resilience, especially if a game didn't end with a win -- an important foundation for him as he continues moving forward.
Although sports have been a large part of Landon's journey, he has discovered that there are many other things that he enjoys, and that finding purpose doesn't mean doing one thing for the rest of his life.
'I think even if you have found yourself, you can dig deeper and keep finding more out about yourself,' he said. 'Everybody has something within themselves that they need to dig deep to find.'
As Landon has dug deep and found himself in various activities and experiences in his life, he advises others to try new things, providing more opportunities to learn valuable things about yourself:
'Go out and live, and maybe you'll find yourself then.'