Provo residents concerned about foothills development


PROVO — More than 150 acres of Provo’s foothills are in consideration for a new residential plan. Some Provo residents are wary of the high-density TERRA development. 

The objective is to build more than 400 homes on what is currently being used as an agricultural green space. The property being considered is the land between 4800 and 6000 North, just northeast of the Eastlawn Cemetery. Restaurants, sport facilities and a bowling alley are also part of the initial rendering. 

Ever since the development was announced last year, there has been an onslaught of pushback from local foothill residents. 

Photographer and Provo resident, Michelle Baughan, is worried that the development will ruin one of her favorite shooting locations.

“As a photographer, I go there to take pictures all the time,” Baughan said. “I think it is one of the most beautiful parts of the canyon and there are lots of different dimensions. It would be sad to not have that anymore”. 

An online petition against the high-density TERRA development plan has gained more than 1,000 signatures. A social media campaign titled,  “Save Provo’s Foothills,” was also sparked. Petition:

Dozens of upset neighbors packed Provo Town Hall on February 4th to express their concerns. The main worries are increased traffic, destruction of green zones, reduced property values and school over enrollment. Runners, hikers and horseback riders are also fearful that the development will shut down one of their favorite Provo trails. 

The Provo City Council shares many of the community’s concerns, and says it wants to work on a more comprehensive plan before approving the TERRA development.

Councillor George Handley said, “We only have so much open land left in that part of town and if we are going to allow development there, we need to make sure we do it right.” 

It will take at least another three months to develop and approve a new foothills ordinance. For now, the Provo Foothills will remain untouched.

“I really hope that it does not get passed again,” Baughan said. “If it was vetoed the first time, it is probably because it is going to upset enough people.”

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