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Model of human behavior is one factor in workplace personality testing

See also 'Personality assessments in the workplace: harmful or helpful?'

William Mardsten introduced the “DISC” acronym in the 1920s to highlight four behavioral traits: dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. This assessment has since been used by many companies to better understand the dynamics of the workforce.

Robert Rohm, owner of Personality Insights, developed a method to simplify and help people apply the DISC assessment. His refined model, known as the DISC Human Model of Behavior, modified the four-letter acronym to represent more intuitive primary descriptors: dominant, inspiring, supportive and cautious.

A distinguishing feature of the DISC assessment is that it highlights the strengths of a personality style.

“It tells you what’s right about you, not what’s wrong about you. It’s a wellness model,” Rohm said.

An explanation of the primary descriptors of Rohm’s DISC model is as follows:

Dominant: Direct, demanding, decisive and determined. Individuals with this personality trait are outgoing and task-oriented. 

Inspiring: Influencing, impressionable, interactive, impressive and involved. Individuals with this personality trait are also considered to be outgoing, but are more people-oriented. 

Supportive: Stable, steady, sweet and shy. These individuals are more reserved, prefer consistency and are people-oriented.

Cautious: Calculating, competent, conscientious, contemplative and careful. Individuals with this personality trait are also more reserved and considered to be task-oriented.

People who understand the DISC Human Model of Behavior can gain confidence in their strengths and abilities, learn how to respond to conflict and discover what motivates them, according to Rohm.  

“The DISC assessment puts people where they can succeed and put their best foot forward,” Rohm said. “It puts them where they can sparkle and shine by using their gifts, talents and abilities.”