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The Temple Square Christmas Lights are On

The Temple Square Christmas Lights are On

Thousands of people from all over the world are already visiting the huge Christmas lights display at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Temple Square’s gardeners start stringing their light design way back in August.

“It’s very much a labor of love and also a labor of beauty. Each one of them are very talented and very, very dedicated in August to be 80 feet up in the air on a lift, stringing lights,” Temple Square Ground Services Manager, Jay Warnick said.

When the lights turned on on Friday, it was extremely icy, windy and snowy, and it hasn’t warmed up. But that hasn’t stopped thousands of visitors from coming to visit the Temple Square lights.

Strung with more and more lights each year, this crowd-pleaser also offers other activities such as nativities from around the world, choir performances and hot chocolate.

“In just about each of the buildings around campus, there are choirs from all over the region that come and perform,” Warnick said.

Temple Square uses these attractions to make Christmas time more special for each person that visits.

“Just about every hour on the hour, you can see something and hear choir performances. It’s an extremely special time of the year. The lights are really just the backdrop, and there are so many other things going on to really make it a special place to be,” Warnick added.

“I just love it. It’s super pretty, kind of helps bring the spirit of Christmas, and just being around the temple too; you just feel the spirit and feel happiness,” Holladay resident and Temple Square visitor, Brooke Ludlow said.

The lights turn on around 5:30 p.m., and they will be lit every night until after New Year’s. Enjoy the Christmas season with Temple Square while you can!