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BYU ROTC Ranger Challenge Team

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BYU ROTC Rangers

Walking into the BYU George Albert Smith Fieldhouse at 5:30 am rings with sounds of weights hitting the ground and tires smacking on the ground — the sound of a dedicated team.

That’s what most mornings sound like for the BYU ROTC Ranger Challenge team.

'I just thought it would be a really awesome opportunity to challenge myself,” says Hannah Hoose, a member of the Ranger Challenge Team. 'I normally leave the house at 5:00 to get here on time by 5:30... We work out for an hour and a half,' she says.

The team does this Monday through Friday, 5:30 am to 7 am. The team is made up of students, so after their workout they get ready for school and head to classes.

Being a part of this team is about mental fortitude and physical fitness. They encourage each other to push through and finish strong, and their hard work has paid off.

They won first place at the ROTC Brigade Ranger Challenge Competition.

Garrett Falk, the ROTC Ranger Challenge Captain, says, “There was a lot of joy... a lot of people started yelling... a lot of excitement... I don't blame them because no one held back… everyone put forth their A effort.'

The team presented their skills in shooting, medical events and other army skills. They knew the competition wouldn't be easy. Sergeant first class, Pedro Ortiz, explains, 'You're going to be hurting at one point and if you don't properly train you don't get the good guidance you're just gonna fall out.”

Being a part of this team not only prepares them with mental grit for the army, but also does more. 'Honestly, it's changed my life,' says Falk.

The team is now preparing for the Sandhurtz competition in April.