Lone Peak lockdown scares students - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Lone Peak lockdown scares students

Lone Peak lockdown scares students

Highland -- Friday around noon Lone Peak Police contacted the high school, alerting them of a possible threat. The school immediately went into a lockdown. Three hours later, the school and premises were all cleared.

This, a lockdown, is something that schools from elementary to high prepare for and practice monthly.

But these students are busy. They have homework, extracurricular activities, clubs, sports and much more. So the threat of their safety at school should not be one of their daily concerns. To help lessen this concern, schools practice lockdown drills monthly.

Keilani Hanamaika, a high school student, said, “When we have a shooting lockdown, we close all the windows and all the doors. We all have to make sure we are at the designated area in the classroom and our teacher goes around and usually takes most of the phones, and we wait for the administrators to tell us we are clear.”

In September, Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit founded and led by family members who lost students in the tragic shooting, released a chilling back to school commercial. In this commercial, students share dark testimonials about their new back to school purchases. One girl says, while tying the gym door with her personal jacket, “this jacket is a real must-have.”

The intent of this commercial was to bring awareness to the reality of the potential threat students face attending school daily. Though this commercial is very impactful, and potentially terrifying for students, the awareness of these dangers and the emphasis administrators are placing on safety through lockdowns are having very positive effects on students and their overall feeling of security at school.