WASHINGTON (AP) — Montana Gov. Steve Bullock was told how he could qualify for the next presidential debate, but it didn't make much sense: Spend $60. Attract a $1 donor. And repeat, maybe thousands of times.

'You spend $60 on Facebook right now to get a $1 donor,' Bullock said last week while campaigning in Iowa
He's not alone. Facing a Wednesday deadline, a handful of Democratic White House hopefuls are racing against time — and odds — to qualify, trying desperately to meet the donor targets as well as reaching 2% in four approved public opinion polls.
New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is pumping millions into online and TV advertising. Billionaire climate change activist Tom Steyer, a late entry to the race, has also spent $3.8 million on Facebook ads trying to boost his name recognition and rapidly add donors.
Others simply gave up — or dropped out.
In a still-crowded Democratic field
'We're getting to the cutoff point for a lot of lower-tier candidates
Though earlier debates had lower floors, the Democratic National Committee upped the stakes for the coming two. As of now, 10 candidates have reached the qualifying thresholds on donors and polling. If that holds, the September debate would be the first of the cycle held on a single night.
The DNC designed the requirements
'It forces campaigns to (hand) over millions of dollars to Facebook — the same platform that let the Russians interfere in 2016,' said Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who won't make the September stage and plans to campaign in early voting states instead. 'If we wanted to be the party that excluded people, we'd be Republicans.'
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton all recently ended their campaigns as they struggled to qualify. Last quarter, Inslee spent more than the $3 million he raised, much of it funneled into Facebook ads, pleading for donors. He hit the donor mark, but lagged in polling and dropped out last week.
Other than Steyer, no one has spent more than Gillibrand to qualify. She's struggled since entering the race to gain traction and is keeping her campaign afloat with a $9.6 million transfer from her Senate campaign fund.
During the last fundraising quarter she spent almost twice what she raised, records show. Now she's plunging even more money into advertising, including a $1.6 million TV ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire aimed at boosting her polling. She's also spent roughly $2.1 million on Facebook ads aimed to get new donors over the last 90 days, making her the No. 3 political spender on the platform, behind only President Donald Trump and Steyer during that time, spending data shows.
'I want to be on the next presidential debate stage but I don't have enough supporters,' Gillibrand says in one recent ad. 'Please go to KirstenGillibrand.com. You just have to give $1.'
Last week, her campaign announced it had reached the 115,000 donor mark. They are holding out hope that that the three needed polls — which may not even exist — will be released before Wednesday.
'We expect more polls to be released ... and that Kirsten will qualify for the third debate,' said spokeswoman Meredith Kelly. 'Kirsten is working hard, traveling and investing on television to be on the stage, so that her voice can be heard.'
Though the rules have helped deplete some candidates' campaign accounts, they've yielded a massive payday for Democratic consultants, with some online fundraising programs costing as much as $90 per dollar raised, campaign aides say. About two dozen consulting firms have collected at least $25 million in payments for online and digital-related services, according to an analysis of campaign finance data that tracked payments made between January and the end of June, when the last fundraising quarter ended. Rates do vary, though, and the appeal of the candidate is an obvious factor in fundraising success.
While it's hard to tell whether the campaigns would have spent that much without the rules, there is a discernable trend line that shows many candidates increased their spending as the first set of debates in June neared — and trailed off once they qualified.
Tara McGowan, the founder and CEO of ACRONYM, a progressive group that specializes in digital campaigns, said some campaigns need to take a hint.
'You just hope people gain some sense and don't want to be on this slog,' she said.