BYU Police Chief Chris Autry's office windowsill is covered in coins.
Not monetary coins; rather, they're 'challenge coins,' which Autry said agencies such as police departments and military units exchange as signs of appreciation and respect.

'Challenge coins' line the windowsill in BYU Police Chief Chris Autry's office. Autry said these coins are exchanged between agencies such as police departments and military units as signs of respect. (Arianna Davidson)
However, Autry likely wasn't planning on one particular challenge when he became BYU's new police chief
BYU is appealing the decision and released a statement
However, BYU attorney Heather Gunnarson later said
The Utah House voted
The Daily Universe interviewed BYU Police Chief Chris Autry
However, during a Senate committee hearing
University spokesperson Carri Jenkins said in the coming months, University Police will continue operating as a state-certified police force.
'For nearly 40 years, BYU has protected its students and campus community, one of the largest concentrations of citizens in the state of Utah, through a state-certified police force,' she said. 'We believe that this is the best proven means of protecting our students and campus community.'
Becoming police chief
Autry was born and raised in Georgia and decided to stay in Utah after serving a mission in Salt Lake City.
He attended BYU and initially majored in mechanical engineering, but 'really wasn't having fun with it,' so he switched to something still challenging but which he enjoyed more: recreation management and youth leadership, which allowed him to go camping and boating, learn games and help teach an outdoor survival course.
Autry became interested in police work because he wanted a career that was different every day, would challenge him and would allow him to help people. He enrolled in the police academy while finishing his bachelor's degree and graduated from both the police academy and BYU in 1997. Though he wasn't sure at first that he wanted to do police work, he liked it after getting into it.
Autry's first police job was with the Midvale Police Department, but soon he began feeling like he needed a graduate degree. By then he was married, and Autry and his wife decided BYU would be a good place for him since he could get his degree for free while working as a police officer on campus.
He joined BYU's University Police in 1997 and almost immediately following that was also hired part-time by the Provo Police Department, where he continued working part-time for three and a half years. Because of his connections with the Provo Police Department, he was able to help expand the Utah County Metro SWAT team
Autry worked on his master's of public administration degree from 2000 to 2002, intending to work for the FBI after. Following the completion of his master's degree, he attended the three-month long FBI National Academy
However, it was there he met FBI agents who showed him the FBI is not like what people see on TV, an experience that helped him realize how good he had it with the University Police. Autry decided to stay put and 'got promoted pretty quick.' He remained involved with the Metro SWAT team for 10 years, which he said taught him a lot about the traditional police work less common at BYU.
Autry said one thing he loves about the University Police is how many options there are for officers, though that's sometimes tough because they don't get to specialize in one type of crime.
'In other big departments, you're working robbery, you're working homicide, but here we do it all,' he said.
For example, Autry said he's been a patrol officer, has been on a Joint Terrorism Task Force
Though he ultimately didn't go to the FBI, he has continued to stay connected with people he met at the FBI National Academy, such as when a security agent with Facebook called Autry because some general authorities would be visiting with company officials, and the agent needed contact information for Church security.
'We can call on each other any time we want,' he said.
Autry became BYU's new chief of police on Jan. 1, 2019, after acting as the interim police chief since July 2018 when Chief Larry Stott retired, according to BYU News
He said officially being the police chief doesn't feel much different from being the interim chief 'other than now I can decorate my office how I like,' he said.
Provo Police Chief Richard Ferguson released a statement saying his department was 'very pleased' to learn of Autry's appointment as BYU police chief.
'Chief Autry has long police leadership experience including close partnership with the Provo Police,' the statement reads. 'He brings strong vision and experience to the job. Under his direction we have already strengthened our crime prevention efforts to make all the communities we serve safer, stronger and better.'
A trusting relationship
Autry said he wants to bring a trusting relationship with law enforcement to BYU students and faculty. Though he recognizes there is a 'very, very small percentage' of bad police officers, most of the officers he knows are just trying to do an honorable job and help people.

BYU Police Chief Chris Autry discusses his law enforcement career and his time at BYU. Autry was appointed BYU police chief effective Jan. 1, 2019. (Arianna Davidson)
Additionally, one thing he loves about being with the University Police is working with people who are still transitioning from childhood to adulthood.
'(If) they start choosing the wrong path, we can intervene (and) try to help them with some course correction,' he said.
Though there has been controversy
For example, Autry said it used to be the responsibility of his department to help students change their apartments or get their classes changed. Now, though, 'we can share information with Title IX, they keep it confidential, and then they can be the ones that help facilitate the needs for the students,' he said.
He emphasized that the Honor Code Office and University Police have 'absolutely nothing' to do with each other.
Autry has a 16-year-old daughter and a 20-year-old son who attends BYU. He said his family recognizes police work is a lifestyle, like when he wants to sit in certain places in restaurants or when they need to leave a place because he's spotted someone he once arrested.
'People look at BYU and they think ... it's a safer place to be a cop than anywhere else, and I guess that's true, until it's not,' Autry said. 'We get everything everywhere else gets. We just don't get it as often.'
However, Autry said his wife in particular has been supportive of his career and has taught him a lot about compassion.
'When you see the worst of people, you start to kind of think that maybe everybody's like that, so it gives you a skewed perspective,' he said. 'She helps keep that perspective balanced.'
He said he wishes people were kinder and more respectful to each other, and that they could recognize everyone needs help, whether emotionally, mentally or physically.
'I think people are more fragile than we understand,' he said. 'I just wish that more people were involved with each other's lives in a good way.'