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Service Warms Hearts at BYU

We are approaching the season of giving, and right now volunteers from Stitching Hearts and BYU are showing that they have plenty that they want to give.

Every Wednesday, volunteers from stitching hearts meet with student volunteers from Y-Serve to help make quilts, clothing, and other essentials for refugees and homeless.

'We're really excited because we're helping out these refugees. Most of our items go to stitching hearts worldwide, but we also go and give and these looms or mats to the homeless,' said Krysti Wright, the founder of Stitching Hearts. “These youth who come and serve are so excited. They love to serve. You don't see any cell phones out. They're excited about what they're doing and it's good to be able to do something to serve someone else.'

Stitching Hearts has been partnered with BYU Y-Serve for two years and has produced thousands of pounds of relief.

A Y-Serve program director, Harriet Norcross, said that “It's not just sitting around sewing teddy bears and making quilts, but we're doing this with a specific person in mind.'

The goods made here are given to stitching hearts, where they are distributed to the displaced in third world countries and victims of natural disasters. Everything here is made by a team of dedicated volunteers.

Because the group meets weekly there is a constant need for volunteers and for donations. You can help them every week at the garden room in the BYU Wilkinson center.