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Fortnite Predators

A recent undercover investigation in New Jersey found child predators are using the popular interactive video game, Fortnite, to target children. 24 men were arrested for allegedly attempting to lure children. Members of the Internet Crimes against Children Task Force posed as 14 and 15 year old girls and boys on social platforms to track down the men. Those platforms included video games, like Fortnite and Minecraft.

“It’s scary because you don't know what the kids are doing; because when they have their headset on you don't know who is talking to them,' mother Kelly Jones said.

Jones is a mother of five kids; three of them play Fortnite. 'It is another form of social media,' Jones said. Her six year old son was on one day when she heard an older man talking to him. Her son believed it was another six year old. Her older boys have a different opinion. 'It teaches you a lot about teamwork,' Collin Jones said.

Fortnite is a player versus player game. 100 live players are dropped into an interactive gaming space and compete for the number one spot. 125 million users are on Fortnite, with four to five million playing at any given time.

'You can't protect them 100 percent. You have to trust their judgment and hope they make good decisions,' said Jones.

A reminder for parents and kids to never share personal information, share photos, or meet another person outside the game.