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I was hired by a company along with many new grads. How do you become a leader so you company recognizes you?

Since few new grads ask this question, you may be the one to stand out early. Companies in all fields are learning it pays to invest in their people. PwC consultants estimate that the cost of losing an employee in the first year can be up to three times the person's salary. To build morale, employees should not feel stagnant, but allowed to learn and grow. Following are ways organizations are teaching and encouraging leadership practices.

Organizations tend to inspire and develop leadership through training programs and team building courses. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics companies are lacking in this area, with those less than 100 employees only devoting 12 minutes of manager training every six months and 100-500 workers providing just 6 minutes.

Employees want more, with 74% of them feeling that they are not reaching their potential at work due to lack of management education and training. Research indicates that a third of people leave their job within the first year and 22% of staff turnover happens in the first six weeks. Companies need to invest more to keep employee engagement at optimum levels. The cost of retaining an employee is far less than replacing one.

Technical skills will only get you so far in your career, to advance further you need to develop soft skills and leadership, advises management at a leading golf course . Promotions will be more likely if strong leadership qualities have been demonstrated in your current position. Few people are actually born to be a good leader, training and development are important to both organizations and employees to achieve this.

Aside from organizational training programs, leadership skills can be developed through a number of personal traits and abilities. Showing initiative is a good start, most bosses will be actively looking for this in their staff. Take on extra projects above and beyond your actual role, so you will learn from them and demonstrate willingness and resourcefulness.

To have any chance at success with a high-profile position you need to show critical thinking. Effective leaders can avert issues before they arrive and foresee potential problems. Opportunities also come to good leaders who can identify them quicker and act on for the benefit of the organization.

Working with feedback and listening to managers and co-workers will help a leader manage the team or project more effectively. Communication skills are essential for feedback in both directions.  Motivating others is a leader’s job, so you should be able to inspire and positively influence the people around you, explain managers at a Mercedes Benz dealership. Whether that is offering support and recognition to colleagues or developing relationships with those that have become despondent.

Discipline and delegation are two vital leadership skills. You need to be self-disciplined enough to manage projects efficiently and have the ability to delegate tasks and responsibility to others. You may also have to resolve conflicts that arise in the workplace, which a good leader can do without causing a loss of face from either party.

Influence, not authority, is the key to good leadership. Keep in mind the skills and attributes you need to get ahead, use them appropriately and things will happen.

In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way…

Tina Fey.

Written by Suzanne Hite, former publications editor serving the technology services sector.